Saturday, June 09, 2007

I Promise, Last JXTA Blog of the Weekend

Anyone that has ever tried to use Applet-based embedded device managers (just how many times a day does my office-mate curse Bluecoat?!!) knows that the "write once, run anywhere" credo of Java is not all its cracked up to be. But it does work sometimes. And distributing a [cross-platform] stack of apps that only depends on a JVM has its advantages on having to satisfy OS package dependencies and/or scripting language dependencies (ala GEMs or Python eggs)

To that end I've built a self-contained package for playing around with JXTA that not only includes the necessary .jar's for JXTA 2.4.1 (or at least for what I've been doing so far) but also includes the latest version (1.0.0RC) of JRuby. This a good companion to the JXTA Programmer Guide which I've been going through today.

Hopefully this makes it a little easier for folks to play around with this Open Source P2P API. As bloated and complex (and probably overkill for the mysterious new security project I have in mind) as JXTA is, it was far better documented than some of the alternatives such as or P2PS and there seem to be a lot more applications out there using JXTA.

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