Wednesday, March 01, 2006

ifsh: interactive fuzzing shell

Well my replay tool is now morphing into an interactive network fuzzing shell!

mdfranz@franz-d610:~/dev/realtcpreplay$ ./ 102 follo
w.pickle pause

Sending:22 bytes

Received: 14 bytes

Sending:191 bytes

Received: 147 bytes
2> help

> rb filename - read binary file and use for next message
> ra filename - read ascii file (00 ff 00 ff) for next message
> testcase directory - specify a directory of testcases (binary file to use)
> fuzzload [min,max]
> fuzzcount n - how many fuzzloads to generate
> fuzzheader n - how deep in payloads to overloay fuzzloads
> send
> continue
> setpoint
> sh[ow] exchange - dump all messages sent/received so far
> sh[how] last-sent
> sh[how] last-rec


Sending:36 bytes

Received: 32 bytes
3> fuzzcount 100
FUZZCOUNT now set to 100
3> fuzzload
Generating fuzzloads: Generating fuzzloads: . . . . .
3> go

*** Reset by peer ***