Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yesterday's Firefox Update, AttackAPI, and Jikto (or the need for a CVSBSI)

So the auto-update for Firefox on my Powerbook hit last light (amazing how much I still find myself using my old 12" G4 despite the new box) and I briefly looked at the release notes. I was busy trying to get a release compiled for OpenBSD 4.1 in under a couple of hours while running under VMWare, so I saw port scanning, browser, Javascript, FTP PASV, blah blah blah andwent back to man release. But given all the hype about the upcoming Jikto release, I remembered PDP's attackapi and was looking for examples when I ran across the white paper and a nice blog providing summary of the technique and the vulnerability behind the new Firefox release. So I read it.

Although the "Manipulating FTP Clients Using The PASV Command" article is well written and organized (I hate LaTeX generated docs, though) I was overwhelmingly left with a feeling of so what, everybody had to do a Firefox update for this? I think there needs to a Common Vulnerability Scoring Bullshit Index (aka CVSBI, hmm this sounds like right up the alley for CIAG Research, wonder if Andrew can free up some cycles from AGA-12 for this, or maybe this doesn't rise to the level of "CI?") that is perfectly valid but ranks the number of "hoops" the attacker (or victim) has to jump through to get it to work. Maybe it is just me, but something felt cheap about an attack that require victims to be lured vis a XSS to a rogue FTP server (there a multiplier of at least 2 here?!) that users the user name and password as the C2 channel for scanner. And all just to be able "sort of" scan ports (meaning being able to distinguish between closed/wrapped and open/filtered) and maybe to get banners and (oh my God, the end is near!) fingerprint services based on the time that they respond. And there were subtle other limitations/pre-conditions in the attack.

At some point (not sure if this vuln is at that point) you get to the "solar system aligning" type vulnerability which is quite trivial to demonstrate under lab conditions but is more difficult in the real world (A case in point, I put TCP Reset Attacks against BGP into this category).

And that is why we need the CVSBI. Yes, the Firefox FTP client implementation could have been tighter and, yes, this should have been fixed eventually, but it seems this could have been rolled into the next update where we could have rolled up a number of these vulns that score moderate to high on the CSVBI.

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